Friday, December 29, 2000
Port Aransas, TX - Dec 29

Wednesday, 12/20 we left Riviera and arrived in Port Aransas, our "home" for a couple of months. Our "target" departure date is currently 2/27. We got a lovely site with a decent view. We are a short walk across the dunes from the most lovely beach. We have been walking on it every chance that we get. It is numbered every tenth of a mile, so you can plan your walks & increase each time. The weather has been much cooler than usual, but is so much better than most parts of the country that we won't complain & be laughed at. It hasn't gotten cold enough to worry about frozen pipes at least.
We can take a free trolley & ride to town to do errands, sightsee, or even visit the local recycling center. The trolley goes to the ferry landing & out on the beach in 4 or 5 places, so it's quite an enjoyable & scenic ride.
We had a pleasant Christmas dinner in the rec center. It was catered and the standard turkey dinner with trimmings. We only ate trimmings and were still quite full. It was fun to be with a group, altho we think the Escapee groups are more welcoming. In the evening we played bridge with a couple we had met earlier at their motorhome.
The Saturday before Christmas we drove into Corpus Christi to see the local Tuba Christmas concert. This was something we had attended often in Denver, so it gave a little familiarity to our first Christmas away from everything that we have grown used to. Afterwards we went to a nearby art center to look at a display of quilts. We had a lovely drive along the waterfront & enjoyed looking at the lovely mansions there.
We will not have any problem keeping amused while here. There are more birding areas around than we will have time to visit. Walking on the beach will take numerous hours -- and we hope to have friends visiting occasionally. Todd & Diane, friends from Boulder, were visiting relatives in Houston and took the long drive down here for a few hours' visit. It was wonderful to see them.